Set up in the year 2008, Castamet has a state of the art manufacturing unit in village Kharwa, about 30 kms from Ajmer in Rajasthan with a production capacity of 4500 TPA. Our foundry is ISO 9001 certified. We specialise in design, development, manufacturing, installation and servicing of high chromium wear, corrosion and abrasion resistant castings used in the cement, mining and thermal power generation industries. We provide customers with optimised solutions through technical evaluation of their requirements, thereby providing specifically designed solutions in ideal metallurgy for the application. -
Production Facilities
Castamet builds on a philosophy that leading-edge manufacturing operations must be both highly efficient and extremely flexible to deliver optimal results. We are committed to providing differentiated manufacturing services driven by speed, accuracy and agility to provide right technologies and solutions to customers within the stipulated time.
We have a fully automated plant with:
• 1500 KW, 2MT*2 Induction Furnace
• Green Sand ARPA DISA-450 Line
• Continuous No-Bake Sand Plant
• Continuous & Batch Type HT furnace with PLC control
• Shot Blasting Machine
• Swing, Hand and Pneumatic Grinders
• Machine Shop
Product Specifications
• Manganese Steel
• Hi-Chrome
• Ni-Hard
• Martensitic Steel
• HRCS etc.
Quality Assurance
Castamet has implemented quality systems to ensure that products meet or exceed customers' specifications on quality and reliability. All of our in-house laboratories are equipped with advanced analytical tools, providing the necessary equipment and resources for the engineering and R&D team to continuously enhance product quality and reliability. Castamet's quality assurance team comprises of engineers, technicians and other employees who monitor and control our manufacturing processes.
To ensure guaranteed quality, our plant is fully equipped with:
• Spectrometer
• Tensile testing machine
• Microstructure testing
• Spark Erosion machine
• Digital, Rockwell and Poldi hardness tester
• Sand testing lab
• NDT DP Test
• Micrometer, Vernier, Scale, Steel rules and Measuring tapes
To manufacture products comparable to international standards deploying state of the art technology and continuous innovation. -
To provide world-class products of outstanding quality thereby creating value for all stakeholders.